Our NLP Certification Programmes

Beginning with NLP Practitioner, we can support your learning oureny through the levels of NLP to reach globally recognised expert status.

NLP Certification is perfect for you if ...

If You Are Considering a Career Change
Maybe you are unsure about making a career move or want to find your true purpose and find fulfillment in your career. You may be stuck in an unsatisfying career and are ready for a change. Many people take this training because they want to find the deep satisfaction of becoming a coach.

If You Want to Understand Your Mind Better
You may have tried other trainings for personal growth, and they didn’t work. You feel that you lack confidence, altogether or in certain situations. You have a hard time managing your emotions, and often end up doing or saying things you regret later on - you’re experiencing problems with self-sabotage.

You Want Career Advancement
Tired of being stuck at the same level, you are frustrated about why you haven’t advanced in your career up to now, and you are ready to climb up the ladder.

Improving Your Communication Skills
When you are not good at speaking in public, you are probably not highly successful in sales or in influencing others. Lacking communication skills is frustrating when others continually don’t get our message.

Being A Dynamic, Powerful Leader
Without the skills to lead others, we can’t elevate ourselves to the position of being a highly respected leader.

WHY NLP Certification is perfect for you ...

If you are considering a career change, you will be clear about what you want, and find the pathway to get there. Often what is truly important to us in a career is hidden deep down and not realized; this training will assist you to find what you really wan to be doing.

To understand your mind better, do you know why you are not getting the results and outcomes that you want? We have an owner’s manual for our automobiles, but we have never been given one to run our mind. We become disempowered when we are not in charge of our thinking.

When we advance in our career we step into our purpose. Often, we stay stuck in a job our of convenience or because we just don’t know how to take the first step.

If you are finding people in your life; you partner, your co-workers, supervisors, friends, or potential customers, aren’t getting your message or complain that you aren’t communicating clearly, it is frustrating for everyone involved. You will learn what messages are you really sending out that tells people not to take you seriously.

Excelling at sales takes a combination of skills. Very few people are born with these skills. However, anyone can learn how to master the art of selling. It all starts with how we communicate with our customers.

For great leaders, the qualities of courage and caring help determine whether or not others follow. Another essential quality is learning and mastering energy, personal power, and charisma, which are characteristics of top leaders in any field.

What this will help YOU achieve ...

See yourself having the fulfilling career you love, and feel the motivation and excitement of being a growing and thriving professional. All of this resonates to help you live the life you want, and imagine hearing others compliment you on your success!

As you become the expert in knowing the owner’s manual for you mind. As you would read the pages of a manual to gain knowledge, you will be in touch with a vast amount of supportive resources as you master your own mind. Self sabotage and negative scripts will be a thing of the past and is replaced by clarity and certainty.

Imagine clearly getting your message across and being heard by others, at work, with your partner, and your friends and family. You will be seen by others as a master communicator and feel the confidence in knowing how to understand others as well as being understood.

You will possess the qualities that the highest level leaders demonstrate as you show up day to day, producing consistent results while leading and influencing others. Enjoy hearing others tell you how you stand out from the crowd as being a top level leader and an expert in your field.

Why this programme is different

It all starts with your thinking. Instead of a one-size-fits-all approach, together we discover what works best for you. You will uncover your hidden strengths.

Instead of being “lectured” to, you will experience the power of being in charge of your thinking and learn how to transform others. You will benefit from many opportunities to practice and grow.

Instead of just taking our word for it, you’ll experience first hand what is is like to get rid of unhelpful habits, feel confident whenever you wish, and to get rid of long standing limiting beliefs and negative emotions. You will know, from the changes that happen within you, that it works.

You won’t be “spoon fed” a lot of information and be expected to make sense of it on your own. In our program you will be provided with the resources you continue your journey of empowerment long after the course has ended.

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